SANBI-GBIF Species Distribution Modelling

  • Trainers
  • Sanbigbif eLearning |
  • Fatima Parker-Allie |

Welcome to the capacity enhancement training workshop on using R for species distribution modelling. This course ties into SANBI-GBIF’s strategy to develop biodiversity informatics skills nationally.  Through this course, it is intended to focus on the use and application of data and in this way ensuring that information is relevant and can ultimately be used for improved decision making.  The key aim of this workshop is to be focused on the marine community; however, we are open to submissions from stakeholders working in the terrestrial biome.

Course Information

Course Topics

Course Trainers


Sanbigbif eLearning

Sanbigbif eLearning

Fatima Parker-Allie

Fatima Parker-Allie